Saturday, March 31, 2012

¡Proyecto de Número Once!

Link to Glogster ¨Los Adjectivos Demonstrativos¨

(Each "Glog" appears at the bottom of the page and there is an option in the top right corner of the "Glog" to increase the size to full screen)

¡Proyecto de Número Cuatro!

Link to Gloster "Los Números Ordinales"

(Each "Glog" appears at the bottom of the page and there is an option in the top right corner of the "Glog" to increase the size to full screen)

Friday, March 30, 2012

¡Proyecto de Número Dos!

Link to Glogster "Las Expresiones de Tener"

(Each "Glog" appears at the bottom of the page and there is an option in the top right corner of the "Glog" to increase the size to full screen)